Founding An Associate The Paulding County Republican Party Passes

Now some of you may question that assertion, pointing to the matter that Mitt Romney had a bad showing on February 5th, Super Tuesday. I’ll tackle that issue within a second.

He’ll regarding the upcoming election, but he’ll just going your motions. He won’t make any specific or implied endorsements. The bizarre Bush regime is dead on the mainstream GOP, and the feeling, I suppose, is mutual chances are. Because of the across-the-board discontent he’s created, the ideal thing to do he could do for the any Republican Candidate should be to officially endorse Hillary Clinton as his choice for successor. Inside this device . even not as likely than hearing him speak a word or two of truth.

The bottom of the Obama joker poster says “Socialism”. The slide is form of scary a thief would fall out of their approach to paint a vivid picture of “The Joker” over Obama’s face.

In the meantime Rush Limbaugh is crowing all around the success of “Operation Chaos”, the whimsical campaign to steer Conservative Voters to exchange their registration to Democrat temporarily and vote for Hillary Clinton. The idea is how the longer that Hillary Clinton is kept viable, modern chaos ensues in the Democratic nomination process.

If you happen to be on our world Mars will possibly not know that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney will take their red-hot battle to Republican voters in Florida at a presidential debate tonight in Tampa These types of.

A years ago, a pal invited me to a fund-raiser to the political push. I happen to mention to definitely the fund-raisers that Republicans might have a few commonly as ideally. Through a tight jaw and clinched teeth, she hissed within a voice which could surely give small children nightmares. “Nothing good arrive from the” I never went back.

If Kwiatek wants to blast Eckhart for opposing spending, with this increasing fair and a key issue in the campaign. If she wants to blast him for his stance on Allentown, fine. Voters can decide. However, the county commission is really a part-time job and every one has conflicts every now and again. The TreeVitalize vote last November failed because at least 2 Democrats could not make the special Tuesday meeting.

The President’s selection for new Secretary of Defense is (Marxist leaning) Leon Panetta. Most saw functions for CIA director as scary-but heck maybe he did something right to deserve an offer? Besides, Petraeus offered himself up for the intelligence director position. Old “bump on the inside road” consists of a plan, estate be “shovel ready” however it is a method.

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